Open the Door to a New Way of Looking at Lockers--Keystone Lockers

Lockers for Schools, Universities, Industry, Gyms & Fitness Centers • KD or All-Welded • Quick Ship Program

(888) 446-5797

Request a Locker Quotation

Keystone Locker Company provides accurate and complete quotations for your locker project. By providing us with the information concerning your project, we'll be able to address all of aspects of your locker project--type of lockers, configuration, assembly, accessories and shipping--so you can make an informed decision.

The information you provide is confidential and will not be used for any other purpose than to prepare a customized locker quotation for you. Thank you.

* Required Field Required field
Contact:required Title:
Company: Country:
Address: Phone:required
City: Fax #:
State:   E-mail:required
Zip Code for Shipping Estimate: Shipping Destination:
Please use the space below to provide a brief project overview.
This enables us to verify that your product matches your project.
I am a: End User Dealer/Distributor Architect General or Subcontractor
Government/Municipal Purchaser School Official Other
Please select a locker configuration:
Please select the style of Keystone locker
you'd like a quotation for:
Locker Type Color
View Color Chart
Quantity Opening
Size (WxDxH)
Single Tier
Double Tier
Triple Tier
Four Tier
Five Tier
Six Tier
Two Person
16 Person 69"x18"x72"
University Series
University Series Configuration: Shell & Shelf Shell & Security Box
Shell & Footlocker Shell, Security Box & Footlocker
University Series Base Option: No Base Include 4" Welded Base
Yes No
Closed Bases?
Yes No
Sloped Tops?
Yes No
Will the lockers be numbered?
Yes No # to start with:
Lift Gate Service on Delivery?
Yes No
Call Notification before delivery?
Yes No
What is the time frame for your locker project?
Preferred reply method:
Describe special shipping considerations below (have dock, need inside delivery, etc.):
This allows us to match any special logistic needs with your project.

If you have any questions about Keystone Lockers, give us a call at (888) 446-5797 or contact us via email. Thank you for taking the time to fill out this quotation request.